Steps on the Path to Enlightenment
A Commentary on Tsongkhapa's Lamrim Chenmo, Volume 2: Karma
Reeks: Steps on the Path to Enlightenment
Geshe Lhundub Sopa
- This
- second
- volume
- of
- the
- five-volume
- commentary
- by
- the
- renowned
- Buddhist
- scholar
- Geshe
- Lhundub
- Sopa
- focuses
- on
- the
- key
- Buddhist
- concepts
- of
- karma,
- or
- cause
- and
- effect,
- and
- dependent
- origination.
- Considered
- one
- of
- the
- finest
- living
- Buddhist
- scholars,
- Geshe
- Sopa
- provides
- commentaries
- essential
- for
- anyone
- interested
- in
- a
- sound
- understanding
- of
- Tibetan
- Buddhist
- practice
- and
- philosophy.
- Never
- has
- a
- book
- gone
- into
- such
- clear
- detail
- on
- karma
- and
- dependent
- origination--concepts
- which,
- despite
- many
- references
- in
- contemporary
- culture,
- are
- too
- often
- misunderstood.
- Here,
- Geshe
- Sopa
- starts
- from
- the
- beginning
- with
- a
- faithful
- reading
- of
- the
- Lamrim
- Chenmo
- and,
- in
- the
- end,
- leaves
- readers
- with
- the
- proper
- tools
- for
- incorporating
- core
- Buddhist
- concepts
- into
- their
- study,
- teaching,
- and practice.