Karmic Management
What Goes Around Comes Around in Your Business and Your Life
Geshe Michael Roach ; Lama Christie McNally ; Michael Gordon
- Readable
- in
- fifty-eight
- minutes:
- Traditional
- Eastern
- wisdom
- and
- real-life
- business
- experience
- come
- together
- in
- this
- brief
- and
- practical
- guide,
- which
- offers
- a
- step-by-step
- plan
- that
- will
- help
- readers
- adopt
- a
- more
- successful
- way
- of
- working
- and
- living.KARMIC
- is
- a
- little
- book
- with
- a
- revolutionary
- message.
- It
- turns
- traditional
- business
- mentality
- on
- its
- head
- by
- stating
- simply
- that
- helping
- others
- become
- successful—suppliers,
- customers,
- even
- competitors—is
- the
- real
- key
- to
- success
- in
- life
- as
- well
- as
- in
- business.Drawing
- from
- their
- own
- entrepreneurial
- experiences,
- the
- authors
- explain
- how,
- in
- eight
- basics
- steps
- that
- take
- less
- than
- one
- hour
- in
- total,
- readers
- can
- learn
- to
- apply
- to
- meet
- goals,
- both
- personal
- and
- professional.
- Each
- lesson
- opens
- with
- a
- quotation
- from
- a
- Buddhist
- text
- and
- explains
- how
- it
- applies
- to
- life
- and
- work
- in
- the
- twenty-first
- century.
- The
- authors
- show
- readers
- how
- to
- identify
- the
- things
- that
- aren’t
- working
- for
- them,
- discover
- their
- most
- valuable
- assets,
- and
- use
- their
- new
- insights
- to
- improve
- the
- lives
- of
- others.
- To-do
- lists
- throughout
- the
- book
- provide
- practical
- tools
- and
- exercises,
- and
- real-life
- examples
- highlight
- the
- power
- of
- to
- make
- dreams
- come true.
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