The Six Perfections
An Oral Teaching
Geshe Sonam Rinchen
- The
- Six
- Perfections
- of
- generosity,
- ethical
- discipline,
- patience,
- enthusiastic
- effort,
- concentration,
- and
- wisdom
- are
- practiced
- by
- Bodhisattvas
- who
- have
- the
- supreme
- intention
- of
- attaining
- enlightenment
- for
- the
- sake
- of
- others.
- These
- six
- are
- perfections
- because
- they
- give
- rise
- to
- complete
- enlightenment.
- Practice
- of
- them
- also
- insures
- the
- attainment
- of
- an
- excellent
- body
- and
- mind
- in
- the
- future
- and
- even
- more
- favorable
- conditions
- for
- effective
- practice
- than
- those
- we
- enjoy
- at
- present.
- Generosity
- leads
- to
- the
- enjoyment
- of
- ample
- resources,
- ethical
- discipline
- gives
- a
- good
- rebirth,
- patience
- leads
- to
- an
- attractive
- appearance
- and
- supportive
- companions,
- enthusiastic
- effort
- endows
- the
- ability
- to
- complete
- what
- is
- undertaken,
- fostering
- concentration
- makes
- the
- mind
- invulnerable
- to
- distraction,
- and
- wisdom
- discriminates
- between
- what
- needs
- to
- be
- cultivated
- and
- what
- must
- be
- discarded
- and
- leads
- to
- greater
- wisdom
- in
- the future.
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