The Awakening Mind
The Foundation of Buddhist Thought, Volume 4
Reeks: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought
Geshe Tashi Tsering
- Bodhichitta,
- often
- translated
- as
- "great
- compassion,"
- is
- the
- gem
- at
- the
- heart
- of
- Buddhism.
- From
- this
- altruistic
- desire
- to
- serve
- others,
- all
- other
- Buddhist
- practices
- naturally
- flow,
- therefore,
- this
- state
- of
- mind
- is
- one
- Buddhists
- should
- understand
- and
- cultivate.
- In
- The
- Awakening
- Mind,
- Geshe
- Tashi
- Tsering
- leads
- us
- through
- the
- two
- main
- methods
- to
- develop
- bodhichitta
- that
- have
- been
- developed
- by
- the
- great
- Indian
- and
- Tibetan
- Buddhists
- over
- the
- centuries:
- the
- seven
- points
- of
- cause
- and
- effect,
- and
- equalizing
- and
- exchanging
- the
- self
- with
- others.This
- is
- the
- fourth
- release
- from
- Geshe
- Tashi's
- Foundation
- of
- Buddhist
- Thought
- series,
- which
- individually
- and
- collectively
- represent
- an
- excellent
- introduction
- to
- Tibetan
- Buddhism.
- These
- unique
- and
- friendly
- books
- are
- based
- on
- the
- curriculum
- of
- a
- popular
- course
- of
- the
- same
- name,
- developed
- by
- Geshe
- Tashi
- himself.Geshe
- Tashi's
- presentations
- combine
- rigor
- and
- comprehensiveness
- with
- lucidity
- and
- accessibility,
- never
- divorced
- from
- the
- basic
- humanity
- and
- warmth
- of
- his
- personality.
- In
- Geshe
- Tashi,
- we
- encounter
- the
- new
- generation
- of
- Tibetan
- monk-scholars
- teaching
- in
- the
- West
- who
- are
- following
- in
- the
- footsteps
- of
- such
- revered
- and
- groundbreaking
- teachers
- as
- Geshe
- Wangyal
- and
- Geshe Sopa.
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