Some of Them Will Carry Me
Giada Scodellaro
- “This
- is
- a
- book
- of
- wonders,
- full
- of
- intricate
- beauty,
- and
- Giada
- Scodellaro
- is
- an
- extraordinary
- talent.”
- —Katie
- KitamuraGiada
- Scodellaro’s
- debut
- is
- a
- fiercely
- original
- collection
- of
- stories
- ranging
- in
- length,
- style,
- and
- tone—a
- collage
- of
- social
- commentary,
- surrealism,
- recipes,
- folklore,
- art—
- that
- centers
- Black
- women
- in
- moments
- of
- imminent
- change.
- In
- language
- that
- is
- lyrical,
- minimal,
- and
- often
- absurd,
- the
- diverse
- stories
- in
- Some
- of
- Them
- Will
- Carry
- Me
- deconstruct
- intimacy
- while
- building
- a
- surprising,
- unnerving
- new
- reality
- of
- language,
- culture,
- consumption,
- and loss.