Dumisani Maluti and his family must escape from a flooding house in the middle of the night. All that stands between them and certain death is their half-submerged, sturdy Ford Ranger pickup truck as it takes them through ever-rising floodwater. Deadly snakes and scorpions only add to their dire situation and terror in the night.
Domestic violence, rape and male dominance, rife in South Africa, turns the once admirable and lovable Dumisani Maluti into the super villain of this novel. Meanwhile Rosina, his intelligent and sensible wife, must battle with logistical problems to earn a living as a domestic worker and feed and clothe her family.
Johnny Bothma is an opinionated, know-it-all official. Mischievous, witty and, at times, slightly uncouth, he provides for informative and comical reading. New in a manager's position, he inherits a nest of governmental corruption and malpractice. Implementing a strict turnaround strategy, he becomes the target of criminally minded colleagues and tycoons that want him dead. In the volatile, rural areas, where killing a person by the "necklace" method is still a reality, he exposes himself regularly without fear.
Deplorably crooked and racist, Koobie the builder and Gregory the developer, represent thousands of rogues in the industry – more villains in the mix of this interesting and entertaining novel.