The Balkans – What's Wrong With Those People?


This volume neither aims nor claims to be a history textbook. Rather, it offers an impartial perspective on the events and facts that have shaped the Balkans over the past fifteen centuries, from the arrival of the Slavic tribes to the present day.

As someone who has spent decades studying the Balkans, I have borne witness to many events that have shaped this region. This work represents my attempt to share those insights and experiences, not with the intention of rendering a definitive judgment, but rather to encourage readers to engage in open-minded reflection and further inquiry.

The Balkans are often viewed as a crossroads between East and West, a place where diverse cultures, religions, and political interests collide. This book endeavors to illuminate those complex relationships, not from the standpoint of a judge, but from that of an observer seeking to understand the essence of the events and the people who have shaped them.

This book is not the conclusion, but the beginning of a discussion. I hope it will encourage you to ask questions, reassess preconceived notions, and delve deeper to an attempt to understand this fascinating, yet often misunderstood part of the world.

Writing this work has been a journey through time and space, driven by a passion for truth and understanding. I hope it will provide you not only with knowledge but also with a fresh perspective on the Balkans, a region that continues to shape the world around it in ways that we often do not fully comprehend.

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