Every significant achievement began as a dream. If you have a sound mind, it is a good thing to dream. Before embarking on this journey, you can choose between ordinary and extraordinary dreams. When you aspire to be great, the nature of your dreams also takes on a higher dimension. Big dreams are a common feature in the lives of those who make it big in life. Therefore, the crucial question is: What is your dream? When do you intend to realize these dreams, and what strategies will you employ to pursue them? If you can answer these three essential questions, you are well-prepared to chase your dreams and transform them into reality.
In this book, Dr. Gift Gugu Mona persuades the reader to dream big and achieve big dreams in an unsophisticated yet significant manner. As a firm believer in the attainment of big dreams, she recognizes that numerous people have the potential to excel in life. Dr. Mona believes that big dreams should not only end in one's mind, but should become tangible to touch lives and inspire others. Hence, she takes the reader through the journey of dreaming big and turning those dreams into reality. If you are in dire need of motivational lessons to pursue and achieve your big dreams, this is the book for you.