Jeffrey Dahmer: The Milwaukee Monster


Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most fascinating, memorable, and gruesome serial killers in American history who took the lives of 17 young men and boys between 1978 and 1991.

Once he was captured and arrested in his one-bedroom apartment in Wisconsin on the evening of July 22nd, 1991, the true nature of a quiet chocolate factory mixer was exposed, after which he was aptly named The Milwaukee Monster and The Milwaukee Cannibal. His MO included date rape, necrophilia, and cannibalism, which shocked the world and his family.

While Jeff was always known as a loner with some strange hobbies, no-one could have guessed what was festering inside a sad and neglected mind, particularly after puberty. He had mastered the art of diffusing any suspicions about his behavior, using sarcasm and self-pity to earn the trust of almost everyone that he had ever encountered. He was especially good at getting strangers to come home with him, whether it was for business, pleasure, or both and enjoyed the thrill of hunting for the best looking guy he could find for the purpose of “keeping them with me for as long as possible”. This meant boiling, bleaching, and painting their skulls, which he was planning to turn into a shrine to help him “feel more at home”, and preserving their hands, bones, and genitals. He also kept a stash of Polaroids in his bedroom, which depicted the sickening dismemberment process of several victims and served the purpose of pornography for him.

At first glance, his apartment looked quite normal, complete with plants, a tropical fish tank, framed art, and a sofa to relax on, even though it had a strange smell. But officers soon realized that this was nothing more than a facade, discovering a freshly severed head as they plucked open his fridge, complete with a drip-tray. Detectives described the crime scene as the dismantling of a horror museum, where they carried out boxes, drawers, a refrigerator, a freezer, and barrels filled with human remains, some fresh, some mummified, and some neatly wrapped for later consumption.

In this book we discover just what the man who got a 900+ year prison sentence got up to in his spare time, and what shaped him as a person. This series is written in the classic cut-and-dry factual narrative that True Crime fans enjoy, leaving out distractions, opinions, and unnecessary embellishments.
Were there any warning signs of his behavior?
How did he get away with murder for 13 years?
How were his victim’s bodies never discovered?
Which victims did he cannibalize, and why?
Why necrophilia?
What was his motive?

Let’s investigate and find out!

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