Kam Book One

The NIA Series., #4

Reeks: The NIA Series.


Kamryn had a life plan and was successful in almost everything she endeavored to accomplish. Then one day...
' Kamryn awoke in a Horror Chamber!'

My name is Kamryn. At least, this is what I believe to be true. We, humans, are the sum of our DNA. It's all about genetics, family trees, and inherited traits; some of us can gaze into a mirror and see our parents or another family member. Our features, eyes, hair, bone structures, and intelligence are from our direct descendants, uhm, typically. Essentially we are what we were! People are born with genetic disorders, 'Down syndrome, Diabetes, Spina bifida, Cystic fibrosis, Cancer, Muscular dystrophy, Sickle cell disease, and the list goes on ?. These disorders most often can be found in our bloodlines and past ancestors.
It's not the luck of the draw, in my book. No, it's a risky gamble when an Evil Egg is fertilized with Sinister Sperm. Does an Angel pop out from the womb? I think not; I am living proof that my relatives were irresponsible. My descendants were the 'Who's Who of Evil,' Serial Killers, Psychopaths, Insanity laden right from the hatchery. Mental disorders that have yet to be labeled. One day I'll awake from a nap, peer into the mirror, and not be shocked to envision a crowd of deviates ghoulishly staring back at ME, Grinning and Smirking; well, Ugh, Hello There! ?.
Laying on my back, chained and shackled to a gurney, surrounded by concrete walls closing in on me, musing over how my life had imploded in just one singular day. Nah, it wasn't a tragic automobile accident or catastrophe such as an earthquake, devastating fire, or hurricane, nope. I wasn't assaulted, nor did I lose a loved one or was robbed, didn't receive an unsettling diagnosis, or lost a fortune in the stock market or elsewhere.

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