Men and women of God did not possess any authority of their own, rather than authority that came from God. If men and women teaching or preaching they are using the authority which God the Father ordained through God the Son. Men and women of God did not possess any authority of their own, rather than authority that came from God. If men and women teaching or preaching they are using the authority which God the Father ordained through God the Son. Reading this book will restore confidence of women who wants to serve the Lord in all the areas of the service of the Lord. On the day of our Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He gave the great commission to men and women those who are his followers on that day. Women are empowered with the Power of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit the same way as men. We are empowered to witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the world.We have to know as well that many house churches in the early church were hosted and were leading by women who were elevated to social standard or independently rich, for example Lydia, Phoebe, Euodia and many others. With this in mind I urge women of today to give their life to the Lord faithfully sincerely and serve the Lord serve the Lord more than ever before in the history of this universe. When men teach, preached they used the authority of the word of God. Same way when women preach, teach they also used the authority of the word of God. It is the same one spirit that indwells men and women and using them for the glory of God up till today and it will continue until Christ returns.