ANAIS: An International Journal, Vol. 13
Gunther Stuhlmann
- For
- their
- kind
- assistance
- and/or
- permission
- to
- reproduce
- materials
- controlled
- by
- them,
- the
- Editor
- would
- like
- to
- thank
- the
- following
- individuals
- and
- institutions:
- Campos
- (Celina
- o
- los
- Gatos.
- English
- translation
- copyright
- ©
- 1995
- by
- Leland
- H.
- Chambers).Steven
- Huff
- and
- Editions,
- Ltd.
- ("Christmas
- with
- Max
- Jacob,”
- in
- Blaise
- Cendrars,
- Christmas
- at
- the
- Four
- Corners
- of
- the
- Earth.
- English
- translation
- copyright
- ©
- 1994
- by
- Bertrand
- Mathieu).Roger
- Jackson
- (Ann
- Arbor,
- Michigan,
- The
- Mezzotints
- by
- Henry
- Miller.
- Copyright
- ©1993
- by
- the
- Estate
- of
- Henry
- Miller.
- Introduction
- copyright
- ©
- 1993
- by
- Roger
- Jackson).Irving
- Stettner
- (Poem
- by
- Blaise
- Cendrars.
- Translated
- by
- Jack
- Hirschman.
- In
- Stroker
- Anthology,
- 1974-1994.
- Copyright
- ©
- 1994
- by
- Irving
- Stettner).Barbara
- WardANAIS:
- AN
- was
- published
- once
- a
- year
- by
- the
- Anais
- Nin
- Foundation,
- a
- non-profit
- organization.Copyright
- ©
- 1995
- by
- Gunther
- Stuhlmann.
- All
- rights
- reserved.
- No
- portion
- of
- this
- publication
- may
- be
- reproduced,
- translated,
- or
- transmitted
- in
- any
- form
- or
- by
- any
- means,
- electronic
- or
- mechanical,
- including
- photocopy,
- recording,
- or
- any
- information
- storage
- and
- retrieval
- system,
- without
- permission
- in
- writing
- from
- Sky
- Blue Press.