111 The Path


111 The Path is a documented conversation between Guy David Uriel and spiritual beings from another dimension who are essentially an extension of us. Throughout the conversation, the spirits reveal an old spiritual path that has gone ignored over the centuries and eventually forgotten. The book tells us about our abandonment of this old and simple way while attempting to revive it and set us back on the right track.
Why are the spirits choosing to reveal their message now? What is so special about this time and place? And why did they choose Guy as the one to spread it? Many have claimed to speak with God, to carry his message and be witnesses to the truth. What makes "The Path" different? The spirits are quite clear that both the timing of this message and the choice of messenger are deliberate. They remind us that we can read about God all we want, but we will never truly know him unless we seek Him. The problem is that humanity has chosen to worship false idols and follow false teachings for thousands of years, setting us on a path that deprives us of our true spiritual potential. Guy has always seen things a bit differently and, according to the spirits, closer to how they were meant to be seen. The spirits fear for the future of humanity as well as the afterlife unless we change the way we think. This takes a messenger who is not only open to hearing the truth from our universal spirit guides, but willing to convey it to others so that it makes sense. The Path is a journey, and its revelation comes at a time when ideas can be freely exchanged without fear of retribution.
It's only natural to wonder, what is "The Path?" What do I need in order to travel on it? How do I prepare for the journey? Is there a right and wrong path? And if so, how do I know I'm on the right one? In fact, how many paths are there? The spirits reveal the truth as we journey through the here and now. And the answers are not always what you might expect. The truth is that we don't need any books, idols, artifacts or belief systems to guide us. Rather we need to think and feel for ourselves. We need to use our own senses to judge what is right and what is wrong. And we need to follow our hearts. The spirits want to release us from the confines of religious orthodoxy that have slowly stripped us of open-minded thinking and free will. They reveal the origin behind myths like hell and sin – how they have been used to control followers and ultimately lead them away from their true potential. We learn about our soul mates, past life experiences and the secret to evolving as beings. "The Path" provides answers to questions many of us have held for a long time, and with this knowledge, a way for each of us to achieve individual greatness.
Every one of us can walk the path. Start your journey today.

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