In "Animal Spirits" H C Yip presents a satirical portrayal of office politics through the use of animal characters in a bank setting. The book dives deep into the intense competition and self-centeredness that fuels the cut-throat banking industry. The story centers around the power-hungry Wolf, who stops at nothing to enrich himself, sexually and financially, at the expense of others. Bitch, the female antagonist, uses emotional manipulation and seduction to climb the ranks, ultimately leading to her demise. Meanwhile, Crocodile, the pretender, is framed for a murder he witnessed, and Eagle, the evil genius, is incited to commit the heinous act. Monkey, the beloved leader of the kind souls, is poisoned to death, leading to Creator's wrathful intervention. With an authoritative tone, Yip invites readers to delve into the seedy underbelly of office politics and experience the intense drama and dark humuor of this thrilling tale. Buy now and be mesmerized by the world of Animal Spirits.