The Interstellar Gateway connects multiple galaxies. Travel through the Gateway is highly inspected and tracked especially on the Terran side. The import and export of various lifeforms, along with Military and Commercial enterprises that now traverse the stars created an enterprise in Gateway clearing and disposal.
The Moore family has lived on Titan for generations. Since the days of terraforming, they have worked as storage and gateway cleanup. Shying away from the politics of the Interstellar Councils and the wars of the Terran Armies, they focus on the greatest threat to Titan and the Gate, Pirates.
Now, more than ever, the planet of Titan and its proximity to the Gate have become a battleground for intrigue and action on all fronts. Wanting to hold their stake on Titan but understanding the consequences of those actions. The time will come when a decision must be made. Stand your ground at the bottleneck of action or flee into the Gate and rebuild somewhere else.