Bottling Tennessee: A Davy Crockett Tall Tale
Haley Whitehall
- After
- the
- Indian
- Bill
- passes
- forcing
- Native
- Americans
- onto
- Indian
- Reservations,
- Davy
- Crockett
- leaves
- Congress
- determined
- to
- help
- them.
- Along
- the
- way
- he
- tames
- a
- black
- bear
- he
- names
- Death
- Hug.
- He
- bottles
- Tennessee
- air,
- soil,
- and
- water,
- and
- together
- they
- take
- the
- long
- journey
- to
- visit
- his
- Native
- American
- friends.
- With
- a
- little
- help
- from
- Death
- Hug,
- Davy
- transforms
- the
- desert
- into
- a
- lush
- land
- so
- the
- Native
- Americans
- can
- resume
- their
- traditional
- way
- of
- life.Bottling
- Tennessee
- is
- a
- 4,000
- Word
- Short
- Story.
- It
- is
- suitable
- for
- readers
- 6
- to
- 106.
- Everyone
- can
- enjoy
- a
- good
- tall tale!