Call Me Vegan
Easy Plant-Based Recipes for Every Craving (A Cookbook)
Halle Burns
- Easy,
- delicious,
- and
- creative
- plant-based
- snacks
- from
- viral
- TikTok
- sensation
- Halle
- Burns
- a.k.a.
- @BalleHurns,
- perfect
- for
- full-time
- vegans
- and
- plant-curious,
- healthy
- eaters.Halle
- Burns
- was
- still
- in
- college
- when
- she
- started
- posting
- viral
- videos
- about
- plant-based
- cooking
- on
- TikTok,
- and
- now
- millions
- of
- fans
- follow
- her
- for
- soothingly
- narrated
- content
- and
- easy,
- sharable
- recipe
- ideas.
- Since
- Halle
- was
- on
- a
- student
- budget
- at
- the
- time
- and
- often
- only
- had
- her
- trusty
- air
- fryer
- to
- do
- the
- actual
- cooking,
- she
- needed
- to
- become
- creative
- to
- fulfill
- her
- cravings
- in
- the
- simplest
- way
- possible.Recipes
- had
- to
- be
- attainable
- and
- foolproof
- too,
- which
- meant
- using
- affordable
- ingredients,
- accessible
- in
- every
- grocery
- store.
- They
- needed
- to
- be
- quick
- to
- prepare
- using
- as
- few
- ingredients
- as
- possible,
- like
- her
- two-ingredient
- Tofu
- Dough
- or
- her
- Spicy
- Citrus
- Vinaigrette,
- which
- can
- be
- made
- in
- advance
- and
- used
- to
- jazz
- up
- any
- vegetable.
- And
- when
- you’re
- in
- the
- mood
- for
- carbs
- but
- don’t
- have
- bread
- in
- the
- kitchen,
- Emergency
- Bread
- can
- be
- baked
- in
- a
- flash
- in
- a
- microwave
- oven.Now,
- Call
- Me
- Vegan
- offers
- even
- more
- essential,
- lifesaving
- (and
- time-saving)
- recipes
- for
- every
- occasion
- that
- you
- won’t
- find
- anywhere
- else.
- Her
- Snacks
- that
- Smack
- chapter
- includes
- Rice
- Paper
- Bacon
- Snack
- Strips,
- Kale
- Puffs,
- Crunchy
- Mushroom
- Crisps,
- and
- her
- spicy
- Angry
- Edamame.
- There
- are
- breakfast
- recipes
- like
- Cinnamon
- Sugar
- Tortilla
- Bowl
- and
- Chunky
- Cocoa-Banana
- Stovetop
- Granola.
- Of
- course,
- there
- are
- main
- dishes
- too
- like
- Lasagna
- Roll-Ups,
- Mushroom
- Pulled
- Pork,
- and
- Cheesy
- Vegan
- Mac.
- There
- are
- also
- basics
- like
- Mixed
- Berry
- Chia
- Jam,
- Instant
- Plant
- Milk,
- and
- Tofu
- Cream
- Cheese,
- along
- with
- tips
- for
- stocking
- your
- pantry
- and
- essential
- kitchen
- tools—making
- this
- the
- perfect
- book
- for
- plant-based
- lifestyle
- newcomers
- and
- longtime
- vegans
- who
- are
- searching
- for
- easy
- ways
- to
- be
- more
- adventurous
- in
- the kitchen.
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