- **"[A]
- definitive
- work
- of
- millennial
- literature
- .
- .
- .
- wretchedly
- riveting."
- —Jia
- Tolentino,
- The
- New
- Yorker“Girls
- +
- Office
- Space
- +
- My
- Year
- of
- Rest
- and
- Relaxation
- +
- anxious
- sweating
- =
- The
- New
- Me.”
- —Entertainment
- Weekly**I'm
- still
- trying
- to
- make
- the
- dream
- possible:
- still
- might
- finish
- my
- cleaning
- project,
- still
- might
- sign
- up
- for
- that
- yoga
- class,
- still
- might,
- still
- might.
- I
- step
- into
- the
- shower
- and
- almost
- faint,
- an
- image
- of
- taking
- the
- day
- by
- the
- throat
- and
- bashing
- its
- head
- against
- the
- wall
- floating
- in
- my
- mind.Thirty-year-old
- Millie
- just
- can't
- pull
- it
- together.
- She
- spends
- her
- days
- working
- a
- thankless
- temp
- job
- and
- her
- nights
- alone
- in
- her
- apartment,
- fixating
- on
- all
- the
- ways
- she
- might
- change
- her
- situation--her
- job,
- her
- attitude,
- her
- appearance,
- her
- life.
- Then
- she
- watches
- TV
- until
- she
- falls
- asleep,
- and
- the
- cycle
- begins
- again.When
- the
- possibility
- of
- a
- full-time
- job
- offer
- arises,
- it
- seems
- to
- bring
- the
- better
- life
- she's
- envisioning
- within
- reach.
- But
- with
- it
- also
- comes
- the
- paralyzing
- realization,
- lurking
- just
- beneath
- the
- surface,
- of
- how
- hollow
- that
- vision
- has
- become."Wretchedly
- riveting"
- (The
- New
- Yorker)
- and
- "masterfully
- cringe-inducing"
- (Chicago
- Tribune),
- The
- New
- Me
- is
- the
- must-read
- new
- novel
- by
- National
- Book
- Foundation
- "5
- Under
- 35"
- honoree
- and
- Granta
- Best
- Young
- American
- novelist
- Halle
- Butler.Named
- a
- Best
- Book
- of
- the
- Decade
- by
- Vox,
- and
- a
- Best
- Book
- of
- 2019
- by
- Vanity
- Fair,
- Vulture,
- Chicago
- Tribune,
- Mashable,
- Bustle,
- and NPR
pro-mbooks3 : libris