Climate Change and Leadership Shaping Civilizations
Hari D. Sharma
- What
- if
- our
- civilization
- could
- avoid
- self-destruction
- and
- completely
- devastating
- the
- environment
- by
- decoding
- the
- secret
- messages
- carried
- by
- iconic
- monuments
- such
- as
- the
- Great
- Sphinx
- of
- Giza,
- Taj
- Mahal
- in
- India,
- or
- Statue
- of
- Liberty
- in
- New
- York?This
- book
- takes
- a
- unique
- and
- fresh
- approach
- to
- our
- history,
- with
- a
- focus
- on
- leadership
- and
- climate
- change,
- and
- decodes
- it
- through
- some
- of
- the
- iconic
- monuments
- and
- statues
- of
- our
- world.
- After
- four
- decades
- of
- traveling
- and
- studying
- different
- cultures
- around
- the
- world,
- Dr.
- Hari
- D.
- Sharma
- uncovered
- a
- well-kept
- secret:
- these
- iconic
- monuments
- and
- statues
- are
- more
- than
- beautiful
- artifacts.
- They
- are
- keys
- that
- help
- us
- better
- understand
- the
- impact
- of
- climate
- change
- and
- leadership
- practices
- on
- the
- evolution
- of
- human
- civilization.Climate
- Change
- and
- Leadership
- Shaping
- Civilizations
- will
- take
- you
- on
- a
- journey
- around
- the
- world,
- from
- the
- Sphinx
- of
- Egypt
- to
- the
- sacred
- land
- of
- Stonehenge;
- from
- the
- serene
- Taj
- Mahal
- in
- India
- to
- the
- quaint
- streets
- of
- Paris,
- with
- its
- impressive
- Tour
- Eiffel,
- and
- bustling
- New
- York,
- with
- its
- majestic
- Statue
- of
- Liberty.
- You
- will
- also
- travel
- back
- in
- time
- to
- the
- Ancient
- Egyptian-Greco-Roman
- and
- Indic
- civilizations
- and
- return
- to
- the
- present
- day,
- exploring
- the
- Renaissance
- and
- democratic
- civilizations.Packed
- with
- examples
- and
- illustrations,
- this
- book
- provides
- an
- entertaining
- and
- unbiased
- account
- of
- our
- history.
- It
- also
- addresses
- two
- of
- the
- most
- burning
- issues
- of
- the
- modern
- age:
- climate
- change
- and
- visionary
- leadership.
- It
- will
- delight
- readers
- passionate
- about
- history
- and
- travel
- and
- will
- give
- food
- for
- thought
- and
- actionable
- steps
- to
- those
- who
- are
- looking
- for
- solutions
- to
- protect
- the
- environment.Last,
- but
- not
- least,
- the
- book
- is
- a
- must-read
- for
- current
- and
- aspiring
- leaders
- who
- want
- to
- make
- a
- positive
- impact
- on
- the
- world
- with
- their
- vision
- and actions.