- “An
- ambitious
- effort
- that
- succeeds
- in
- providing
- a
- fundamentally
- new
- way
- to
- talk
- about
- and
- .
- .
- .
- think
- about
- policy
- choices
- in
- education.”
- —Jeffrey
- R.
- Henig,
- Teachers
- College,
- Columbia
- UniversityWe
- spend
- a
- lot
- of
- time
- arguing
- about
- how
- schools
- might
- be
- improved.
- But
- we
- rarely
- take
- a
- step
- back
- to
- ask
- what
- we
- as
- a
- society
- should
- be
- looking
- for
- from
- education—what
- exactly
- should
- those
- who
- make
- decisions
- be
- trying
- to
- achieve?In
- Educational
- Goods,
- two
- philosophers
- and
- two
- social
- scientists
- address
- this
- very
- question.
- They
- begin
- by
- broadening
- the
- language
- for
- talking
- about
- educational
- policy:
- “educational
- goods”
- are
- the
- knowledge,
- skills,
- and
- attitudes
- that
- children
- develop
- for
- their
- own
- benefit
- and
- that
- of
- others;
- “childhood
- goods”
- are
- the
- valuable
- experiences
- and
- freedoms
- that
- make
- childhood
- a
- distinct
- phase
- of
- life.
- Balancing
- those,
- and
- understanding
- that
- not
- all
- of
- them
- can
- be
- measured
- through
- traditional
- methods,
- is
- a
- key
- first
- step.
- From
- there,
- they
- show
- how
- to
- think
- clearly
- about
- how
- those
- goods
- are
- distributed
- and
- propose
- a
- method
- for
- combining
- values
- and
- evidence
- to
- reach
- decisions.
- They
- conclude
- by
- showing
- the
- method
- in
- action,
- offering
- detailed
- accounts
- of
- how
- it
- might
- be
- applied
- in
- school
- finance,
- accountability,
- and
- choice.
- The
- result
- is
- a
- reimagining
- of
- our
- decision
- making
- about
- schools,
- one
- that
- will
- sharpen
- our
- thinking
- on
- familiar
- debates
- and
- push
- us
- toward
- better
- outcomes.“Every
- education
- decision-maker—and
- every
- education
- researcher—would
- benefit
- from
- reading
- this
- book.”
- —David
- N.
- Figlio,
- School
- of
- Education
- and
- Social
- Policy,
- Northwestern
- University“Imaginative,
- informative,
- and
- unfailingly
- constructive.”
- —Michael
- S.
- McPherson,
- co-author
- of
- Lesson
- Plan:
- An
- Agenda
- for
- Change
- in
- American
- Higher Education
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