‘The Vulture Catchers’ is a collection of short stories for children. The stories revolve around four children with unusual names, deep friendship and their ability to find adventure in routine. They are very curious and sometimes play with danger.
In ‘The Vulture Catchers-1’ the adventure seekers try to capture vultures, and end up overcoming fear.
‘The Mystery of Shambu Palegar’ is about how the young kids go about solving a 300-year-old mystery of a hidden treasure.
In ‘Tiger Country’ the kids are attacked by wild elephants and they escape from the jaws of death.
In ‘Mystery of Sinking Temple’ kids get stuck in quick sand and are about to be sucked in. They are rescued at the last minute but a series of events happen which is about to break the friendship.
In ‘Trapping the Wolfman’, a giant powerful Wolfman enters the lives of shepherds and spreads havoc. The daring and adventurous kids go to jungle to investigate and trap the Wolfman.
Every day they walk to school through a small forest called ‘Fallen Leaves’. Its lonely and dangerous, and they love it. Their curiosity, enthusiasm, and luck is unknowingly turning them into leaders and problem solvers.