A Motivational Book that Reveals the Secrets to Live a Happy and Peaceful Life.
Sindu, a young reporter is in the mad rat race of the world. It is time for her to discover the simple Sutras that would eventually help her to live a happy and peaceful life. Sindu gets an assignment to interview an upraising godman. As ever, hateful towards self-proclaimed godmen, she meets Sangli Baba, a former hooligan turned holy man. Slowly, but surely the view of Sindu begins to change as she hears the story of the former Hooligan Sangli. She is mesmerized by the simple yet effective Sutras that Sangli Baba has discovered while being with Naga Sadhu couples in a distant cave of the Himalayas.
Don't miss out on the inspiring story that unfolds 15 life-changing sutras to lead a happy and peaceful life.
Key Highlights of the Story: