Summerchester Secrets
Hazel Elizabeth Allen
- Winner,
- Best
- Romance
- Novel,
- 2016
- Next
- Generation
- Indie
- Book
- Awards.Madeline
- Cavendish
- has
- it
- all;
- she
- is
- a
- beautiful,
- intelligent,
- successful
- young
- woman
- with
- her
- own
- thriving
- public
- relations
- company
- and
- a
- substantial
- legacy
- left
- to
- her
- by
- her
- late
- father.So
- why
- does
- Madeline
- drive
- a
- battered
- old
- car
- and
- live
- in
- a
- small
- apartment
- above
- her
- business
- premises
- on
- the
- main
- High
- Street?
- The
- answer
- is
- simple;
- she
- has
- a
- secret,
- one
- she
- hasn’t
- even
- shared
- with
- her
- closest
- friend.Guy
- Manning
- is
- a
- big
- shot
- London
- architect,
- who
- makes
- it
- clear
- from
- the
- start
- that
- he
- does
- not
- want
- to
- be
- associated
- with
- her.Why
- is
- Guy
- refusing
- to
- work
- with
- Madeline?
- For
- one
- reason
- alone,
- she
- is
- a
- Cavendish
- and
- he
- hates
- her
- family
- and
- everything
- they
- represent.Henry
- Longstaff
- is
- a
- friend
- of
- both
- their
- families
- and
- has
- his
- own
- untold
- secret,
- which
- has
- shaped
- his
- whole
- life.While
- Guy’s
- mother,
- Christine,
- has
- kept
- a
- family
- secret
- from
- her
- son
- for
- many
- years.But
- when
- tragedy
- strikes
- the
- idyllic
- seaside
- market
- town,
- the
- fall
- out
- acts
- as
- a
- catalyst
- and
- uncovers
- the
- truth
- behind
- a
- series
- of
- long
- hidden,
- Summerchester
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