Stronger Than Magic
Heather Cullman
- In
- this
- enchanting
- romance,
- a
- cursed
- beauty
- and
- a
- man
- with
- an
- endangered
- soul
- are
- transported
- through
- space
- and
- time
- to
- be
- reunited
- in
- Regency-era
- England
- for
- one
- last
- chance
- at
- redemption—could
- their
- love
- be
- stronger
- than
- the
- spell
- that
- binds
- them?Born
- to
- a
- faerie
- father
- and
- a
- mortal
- mother,
- Lucan
- lacks
- one
- thing:
- a
- soul.
- To
- become
- complete,
- he
- must
- fall
- in
- love.
- When
- he
- does—with
- spoiled,
- willful
- Alys
- le
- Fayre—his
- life
- ends
- tragically.
- Too
- late,
- Alys
- realizes
- that
- Lucan
- was
- her
- soul
- mate.
- Now
- imprisoned
- in
- the
- faerie
- underworld
- as
- punishment
- for
- causing
- Lucan’s
- death,
- she
- is
- fated
- to
- spend
- the
- next
- millennia
- helping
- humans
- find
- happiness.
- But
- she’s
- never
- forgotten
- the
- love
- she
- lost.Her
- chance
- for
- redemption
- comes
- in
- 1816,
- when
- she’s
- tasked
- with
- finding
- the
- perfect
- woman
- for
- Lucian
- Warre,
- the
- seventh
- Marquess
- of
- Thistlewood,
- who
- is
- Lucan
- reborn
- into
- his
- final
- life.
- The
- catch?
- She
- has
- only
- 130
- days
- before
- tragedy
- once
- again
- befalls
- the
- half-mortal
- Lucian,
- who
- doesn’t
- believe
- in
- love
- and
- never
- intends
- to
- marry.
- But
- Alys
- has
- other
- plans
- .
- .
- .Heather
- Cullman
- delivers
- a
- timeless
- romantic
- tale
- about
- two
- people
- whose
- love
- transcends
- time,
- fate,
- and
- intervention—both
- human
- and otherworldly.
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