PLAY: Ponder the Love of The Almighty for You


PLAY invites readers into a deeper relationship with God as they grow in their understanding that he is constantly speaking to each of us. By design, he loves to interact and, dare we imagine, play with us. The introduction sets the stage for interacting with God through our imagination and why it is okay based on scripture. It also teaches the reader how to recognize God's voice and explains what to expect in the following pages. PLAY is an interactive devotional/journal. I have asked God forty times what game he wanted to play and then written down the internal dialogue I experienced with him. The heart-level revelation he reveals through the games is what I hope my readers will also experience. Following the scripted games, there are questions for readers to answer on the book's pages. The forty games are broken up into five categories: With Him, Discovery, Trust, The Battle Belongs to the Lord, and With Others. A short narrative in line with the category precedes each section. The book finishes with commissioning the reader to PLAY on their own, followed by several pages with the prompt, "Dear God, what game do you want to play with me?" and "Why?" for the practice to continue.

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