Washington the Soldier
Military Campaigns, Strategy and Leadership
Henry B. Carrington
- This
- book
- by
- the
- veteran
- officer
- of
- the
- Civil
- War
- gives
- a
- detailed
- account
- of
- George
- Washington
- as
- a
- military
- leader.
- Carrington
- starts
- the
- story
- with
- the
- first
- years
- of
- Washington's
- life,
- describing
- early
- influences
- in
- his
- family
- and
- social
- environment
- that
- shaped
- his
- leadership
- qualities
- and
- military
- talent.
- The
- book
- is
- mainly
- drawn
- from
- letters
- and
- official
- documents
- that
- render
- Washington
- a
- willful
- and
- talented
- personality
- and
- a
- leader
- of
- the
- nation.
- Also,
- it
- is
- interesting
- in
- terms
- of
- military
- strategy,
- as
- Carrington
- gives
- a
- detailed
- account
- of
- Washington's
- strategy,
- logistics,
- engineering,
- tactics,
- and more.
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