Do you know who led more Chinese people to faith in Christ than any other person in history? Are you aware that he was trained in American universities to be a scientist? Did you know that before he returned to China he spent time in an insane asylum? This pictorial book will introduce you to John Sung, the "flame of God," who preached across China and in Chinese settlements throughout Southeast Asia. The man preached with passion, led massive revivals, spurred social reforms, and was an organizational genius. He draws comparisons with John Wesley. The pictures and text start with his birthplace, reveal where he was educated in America, cover his time spent in a mental institution in New York City, reveal his return to China and his super-charged twelve years of ministry. It includes his ministry outside of China and his organization of women to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, and it ends with his death and burial in 1944. The book is the culmination of research performed on three continents as I traveled in the footsteps of this famous evangelist. Following Sung gave me the opportunity to capture his life in photographs, read deeper in archives about his ministry, and interview people who attended his evangelistic campaigns. Purchase this pictorial book and expand your knowledge about what the Living Lord was up to before the Communist Revolution led by Mao Zedong. New revelations will come to your attention that will excite and encourage you on your own spiritual journey.
"With an ingenious mixture of historical images and contemporary photographs, this book brings to life one of the most important Christian evangelists of the last century. John Sung deserves to be much better known and this book can make that happen."
Mark Noll, author of Clouds of Witnesses: Christian Voices from Africa and Asia and former Francis McAnaney Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame.