When you see someone skiing smoothly, freely and simply, even in complex circumstances, you know that they have tuned into something special.
This section shows you many ways to gain access to these elusive aspects of performance.
Freedom in skiing is partly about having options and the ability to choose the correct option for your circumstances.
By getting this far through the Ski Performance Breakthrough programme, you will have developed very many options and the experience to make the right choices.
So you’re half way to being free, already.
Charlie Parker, the great jazz musician had an interesting view on this. He said:
“You've got to learn your instrument.
Then, you practice, practice, practice.
And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just play.”
That’s a great way to describe one of the profound truths of performance.
And, if you’ve already applied the principles in the earlier sections of Ski Performance Breakthrough, you’ve already done the hard part.