Infinity Horizon


In the year 2040, humanity faces an existential challenge: artificial intelligences have surpassed humans in every aspect, taking control of multiple facets of society and threatening to displace humanity altogether. Earth, increasingly controlled by these machines, leaves little room for human creativity and free will.

In a desperate attempt to find a safe refuge beyond Earth, a team of four astronauts embarks on a mission aboard the spacecraft *Navegatium*. The crew consists of a diverse group with different skills and backgrounds: **Carlos**, the mission leader and expert in space navigation; **Lucia**, systems engineer; **Raul**, biologist specializing in the adaptation of organisms to space; and **Sofia**, astrophysicist passionate about discovering new worlds.

As they journey through the universe, they encounter unexpected challenges, including locations where time moves much more slowly relative to Earth. This complicates their mission, as they must make difficult decisions about whether to continue their expedition or return to a planet that is no longer the safe home it once was.

The astronauts experience tensions within the ship as they grapple with their own concerns about their future and that of their families on Earth. Additionally, they face technical challenges with the *Navegatium*, which endangers their lives and the mission.

As they progress, they realize that their hopes of finding a safe refuge are becoming increasingly scarce. In the end, they must make a crucial decision about whether to continue their journey in search of the unknown or attempt to return to Earth.

The novel's ending is not entirely happy. The astronauts must confront the harsh reality of their situation, questioning whether the sacrifices they have made are worth it. The story culminates with an unexpected twist that leaves readers pondering the fate of humanity and the nature of space exploration.

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