Imodale Caulker-Burnett was born in Sierra Leone and has lived most of her adult life in the United States of America. She is a retired Family Nurse Practitioner, Substance Abuse Consultant and Healing Touch Practitioner, and lives with her husband of 54 years, Clive, in Midlothian Virginia. The Burnett's belong to St. Matthias Episcopal church who support her Mambo Project, and she sings with the Jubilation Senior Community Choir. Her first book entitled "The Caulkers of Sierra Leone - The story of a ruling family and their times" was published by Xlibris in 2020.
A synopsis of Hope
Starting in 1968, Imodale made biennial home visits to maintain family contacts. These changed to annual trips on her retirement in 2004 and soon after, she established The Lesana Community Development Services, to assist the people of Mambo Township, her father's birthplace in Kagboro chiefdom, Moyamba district. The goal being to effect redevelopment that would bring the township into the 21st Century. With the assistance of Cousin Isa Forna, God's Grace and the blessings of the ancestors, this work has continued for 17 years. The Organization also supports all students of the Caulker Memorial UMC Primary School in Mambo, who pass the National Primary School Examination to secondary school; Imodale now sponsors a student at the Methodist Girls' High School, Freetown.