# Throw Away The Box
Imtiaz Abdul Kader
- In
- encouraging
- us
- to
- “throw
- away
- the
- box”
- Imtiaz
- is
- making
- the
- case
- for
- leaders
- in
- the
- 21st
- Century
- to
- be
- bold.
- They
- need
- to
- embrace
- innovation
- and
- be
- prepared
- to
- accept
- unknown
- outcomes.
- This
- is
- particularly
- challenging
- -
- and
- important
- -
- in
- large
- legacy
- organisations.
- It’s
- also
- far
- easier
- to
- say
- than
- to
- do.
- Where
- do
- we
- start?
- This
- book
- is
- based
- on
- both
- research
- and
- a
- wealth
- of
- hands-on
- experience.
- It
- makes
- for
- thought-provoking
- reading.Professor
- Barry
- Dwolatzky,
- Emeritus
- Professor,
- School
- of
- Electrical
- and
- Information
- Engineering,
- Wits
- University
- is
- an
- avid
- researcher
- in
- the
- field
- of
- advanced
- technology
- integration
- to
- enable
- business
- growth.
- He
- is
- also
- the
- co-founder
- and
- of
- Perfected
- Execution,
- a
- technology
- and
- strategy
- research
- start-up.
- In
- addition
- he
- also
- has
- 23
- years’
- experience
- of
- large
- scale
- organisation
- technology
- transformations.
- He
- holds
- a
- PhD
- and
- M
- Eng
- degrees
- from
- the
- University
- of
- the
- Witwatersrand
- and
- strongly
- believes
- that
- by
- embracing
- advanced
- technologies,
- organisations,
- societies
- and
- economies
- can
- grow.In
- searching
- for
- stability,
- certainty
- and
- constant
- equilibrium,
- Imtiaz
- looked
- in
- all
- directions,
- and
- no
- matter
- where
- he
- looked,
- he
- was
- faced
- with
- change.
- Change
- appeared
- in
- all
- its
- guises,
- but
- the
- one
- that
- he
- found
- to
- be
- profound
- in
- its
- impact
- was
- the
- velocity
- of
- the
- on
- going
- technological
- changes
- taking
- place
- today
- and
- into
- the
- future.
- That
- is
- the
- reality
- facing
- organisations
- that
- have
- existed
- pre
- the
- internet
- age.
- In
- his
- academic
- and
- professional
- quests
- to
- quench
- his
- thirst
- for
- knowledge
- on
- how
- to
- enable
- growth
- for
- such
- organisations,
- he
- has
- learned
- and
- will
- continue
- to
- learn
- what
- it
- will
- take
- for
- these
- types
- of
- organisations
- to
- thrive
- in
- this
- new
- era.
- With
- that
- in
- mind,
- this
- book
- is
- written
- to
- offer
- you
- a
- view
- of
- his
- thoughts
- on
- why
- these
- organisations
- have
- to
- embrace
- advanced
- technologies
- if
- they
- wish
- to
- thrive
- in
- the
- face
- of
- all
- these
- changes
- in
- the 4IR.
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