Swept Off My Feet


Why my life sucks by Geri Lazaro:

  • My dad left when I was a kid.

  • My mom is in love (insert eye roll).

  • With a guy who is like 10 years younger than her!

  • My friends think he's hot. (Gross)

  • I love ballet but our dance studio has a leak and we have to dance in this smelly studio that doubles as an aikido dojo.

  • There's this Dojo guy who thinks the studio belongs to him.

  • Friends think Dojo guy is cute. (Ew.) (Okay, objectively maybe but still, ew.)

  • I'm failing algebra.

  • Need to quit either basketball or ballet. Or both.

  • Dojo guy keeps showing up! (Fine, he does aikido in the same building but whatever.)

  • Dojo guy is asking me to dance with him. And maybe he is as cute as my friends say.

  • I don't know what to do anymore!

  • pro-mbooks3 : libris