One of the most disheartening things that a person could realize is that she is in the constant midst of a sociopath and she has to deal with him a lot.
I say it is disheartening because usually the sociopath masquerades as a normal functioning person at first. The person may even have charm, which could masquerade as sensitive or even empathic, if you are not expecting to be in the midst of a sociopath. But sociopaths are not sensitive or empathic. They are quite the opposite.
Sociopaths are not as rare as they once were. Today, about two percent of the population is considered to display some strong features of sociopathy. Thus, conceivably there are sociopaths all around us. So, we have to keep vigilant to protect ourselves.
You may encounter sociopaths in your workplace, community, church, and even family. So, we all have to learn to deal with such individuals so that we don’t end up being hurt over and over again.
Sociopaths are not bums. Most of them have respectable careers. They are teachers, lawyers, and even business executives. Some are even doctors. So, we should recognize the ubiquity of such individuals.
Most times, we don’t expect to see sociopaths. I remember going to church for a while in my community and naively thinking that most of the people here are empathic and sensitive. Well, I was wrong. I discovered that some of the worst sociopaths can reside in church communities as well. So, please don’t be fooled.
That is what is so mind-boggling about sociopaths—they may be anywhere doing anything that normal people do. So, you have to learn how not to be fooled by them, because they are masters at lying and concealing who they truly are.
Therefore, we have to learn how to deal with them or else our self-esteem and self-confidence may be ruined forever. Sociopaths can also destroy reputations in no time. They are masters at destruction. The more they can destroy the better they feel and the more in control.
If that sounds twisted, it is! Sociopaths don’t think like normal people do. They fidget and complain and yet they are destroyers, just like vampires. They skulk around in the dark looking for trouble and they usually find it. As I said in my previous e-book, sociopaths are really weak individuals who masquerade as people who have it all. But this is not true at all.
In this e-book, I will be focusing mostly on how to deal with a sociopath so that you are not destroyed by them.