Don't Slap My Boob!


Just as Izzy is about to pop the last potato chip in the bag into her mouth her mother suddenly yells at her. "You're too fat! No Indian man will ever marry you!"

Izzy's traditional, fat and married Indian mother has just uttered the words that will scar her for life. With a perplexed look on her chubby and greasy face, Izzy stares at her irate mother. Slowly, the words sink in. Although she's just a little girl, the seeds of doubt and insecurity have been planted. Never one to accept defeat, Izzy refuses to believe that her worth is determined by her body size. She will prove her mother wrong... someday!

Years later, Izzy goes off to college and discovers freedom. Away from her strict parents and over-protective brother, she's ready to discover her feminine power and unleash her suppressed sexuality. Izzy is determined to show her family that she's lovable and sexy even if she's a plus-size chick. At all costs, Izzy must find a husband who doesn't care about her weight and respects her independent and out-spoken ways.

“Don’t Smack My Boob” is a candid account of the most intimate moments of Izzy's wacky, desperate, and often hilarious on-line dating escapades. When this very Americanized girl goes against her traditional Indian parents' values and expectations, disaster is sure to strike...and it does...again and again! The internet becomes both her best friend and worst enemy as Izzy unwittingly draws in one loser after another and repeatedly misses all the red flags. Her search for Mr. Right only leads her to outrageous scenarios with guys who only seem to want one thing from her...and it surely isn't marriage!

While it’s often said that “mother knows best” Izzy can attest to the fact that this is not true. There are plenty of men of all cultures who are willing to date Izzy, regardless of her weight. In Izzy's conventional, Indian family, you're an "old maid" if you're not married before the age of 21. At 22, Izzy has graduated with a Master's degree but her accomplishments are overshadowed by the fact that her parents believe she's way past her prime.

The problem? Izzy is a fun-loving, not-so-traditional, Americanized Indian girl who likes to flirt like crazy. Marriage-minded men aren't gravitating to her, but liars, cheats and morons are. Meanwhile, her inability to find a husband feels like a major tragedy to her parents. Being fat and unmarried is the equivalent of a death sentence!

Finding a husband that meets her standards and those of her parents is not that easy. From the start, Izzy's dates are never who they seem to be. First, there's the dream-date who terrifies an inexperienced Izzy when he reveals a kinky fetish with boob-smacking. Then there's the little gorilla of a man who's perfect in every way...except that he's covered in hair from head to toe. They're followed by the seemingly perfect, Indian doctor who soon reveals himself to be a self-prescribing drug addict...and it only gets worse from there!

An ever-optimistic Izzy repeatedly subjects herself to bizarre dating scenarios in her quest to find a husband. She's even conned into going on painfully awkward double dates with her parents, who aren't beyond "arranging" to marry her off to a FOB (Fresh Off the Boat, non-English speaking guy). By the age of 27, Izzy feels like she has seen and felt it all! Along the way, she learns powerful messages about her self-worth and begins a journey to self-acceptance.

"Don't Smack My Boob" offers a humorous, sneak view of first and second generation Indian families in New York City. Izzy's stories exemplify how their values and cultural views on women and marriage can clash with American ideals. Join a bubbly and idealistic Izzy as she learns how to navigate the two worlds and discovers herself in the process.

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