‘Ice Cooper and the Depton Shadelings’, is a YA novel, set in Warwickshire, UK.
The story draws on supernatural themes and green issues with a sympathetic treatment of the central character Ice, who demonstrates some degree of social awkwardness, particularly in her reactions to emotional events and her seemingly brusque manner with people. The story takes place in the familiar setting of an average-sized town and the surrounding English countryside.
As if starting a new school in a new town wasn’t enough, now Ice has seen the strange creatures from her dreams, her mother appears to be missing, and then there are the floods and the earthquakes. Ice has an uncanny ability to know when people are lying and unfortunately some of them are those closest to her. Set against a background of relentless rain, she has to find a lost boy and discover just what it all has to do with the fracking company where her father works.
This is an adventure/supernatural thriller and a journey of discovery for the central character. Many challenges are presented to Ice. Can she come to terms with the unfamiliar? Will she be able to solve the mystery of the shadelings - the strange, dark creatures that have appeared in Depton? Can she find those who are missing? Perhaps harder still, will she be able to overcome her reserve and let others into her private world so that they can help?
‘Ice Cooper and the Depton Shadelings’ has received favourable reader reviews on several platforms. ‘Love Reading’, listed it as one of their ‘Indie Books we Love’ where it was described as, 'a great fast paced read for any confident reader that likes fantasy and mystery all still firmly rooted in a word we are familiar with'. It has reached number 11 in Amazon bestsellers for ‘Paranormal Fantasy for Children’.
The sequel, ‘Ice Cooper and the Beast of Bale’, also set locally, is due to be published in 2022.