Apprentice in Death
Reeks: In Death
J. D. Robb
- **THE
- #1
- BESTSELLERLieutenant
- Eve
- Dallas
- must
- hunt
- down
- the
- deadly
- snipers
- terrorizing
- Manhattan
- in
- this
- fast-paced
- In
- Death
- thriller
- from
- J.
- D.
- Robb.**The
- shots
- came
- quickly,
- silently,
- and
- with
- deadly
- accuracy.
- Within
- seconds,
- three
- people
- were
- dead
- at
- Central
- Park’s
- ice-skating
- rink.
- The
- victims:
- a
- talented
- young
- skater,
- a
- doctor,
- and
- a
- teacher.
- As
- random
- as
- random
- can
- be.Eve
- Dallas
- has
- seen
- a
- lot
- of
- killers
- during
- her
- time
- with
- the
- but
- never
- one
- like
- this.
- A
- review
- of
- the
- security
- videos
- reveals
- that
- the
- victims
- were
- killed
- with
- a
- tactical
- laser
- rifle
- fired
- by
- a
- sniper,
- who
- could
- have
- been
- miles
- away
- when
- the
- trigger
- was
- pulled.
- And
- though
- the
- list
- of
- locations
- where
- the
- shooter
- could
- have
- set
- up
- seems
- endless,
- the
- number
- of
- people
- with
- that
- particular
- skill
- set
- is
- finite:
- police,
- military,
- professional
- killer.Eve’s
- husband,
- Roarke,
- has
- unlimited
- resources—and
- genius—at
- his
- disposal.
- And
- when
- his
- computer
- program
- leads
- Eve
- to
- the
- location
- of
- the
- sniper,
- she
- learns
- a
- shocking
- fact:
- There
- were
- two—one
- older,
- one
- younger.
- Someone
- is
- being
- trained
- by
- an
- expert
- in
- the
- science
- of
- killing,
- and
- they
- have
- an
- agenda.
- Central
- Park
- was
- just
- a
- warm-up.
- And
- as
- another
- sniper
- attack
- shakes
- the
- city
- to
- its
- core,
- Eve
- realizes
- that
- though
- we’re
- all
- shaped
- by
- the
- people
- around
- us,
- there
- are
- those
- who
- are
- just
- born evil...
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