A Trail of Dreams Thoreau in Love


A Trail of Dreams

Henry Thoreau returns from college seeking the town he loved as a boy. He finds change and difficulty. His mother opens a boarding house and his father manufactures pencils. He doesn’t like business. He wants to walk in the woods and find himself.

Lucy Brown with two grown children and abandoned by her husband stays with Mrs. Thoreau and visits her sister Lidian Emerson. She wants Henry to follow his dreams and antagonizes Mrs. Thoreau, taking walks with Henry, introducing him to Ralph Waldo Emerson. She talks about religion, art, and literature.

Mrs. Thoreau wants Henry to follow a profession like her father did. She insists he work around the boarding house and assist his father making pencils. She knows the Emersons and sees the benefit in knowing professionals. She believes that friendship takes precedence over love.

Ellen Sewall, 17 years old, arrives from Scituate to visit her aunt and grandmother living in the boarding house. Henry and his brother John escort her on walks and to house parties and fall in love with her. She enjoys their company and personal attention.

Henry dreams of getting away from home. He builds a boat and he and his brother sail by river to New Hampshire and take a stagecoach north and climb the highest mountain. He discovers his brother in love with Ellen and planning to propose marriage.

Mr. Emerson’s impressed and offers a living with him and work for room and board. They take walks and discuss poetry and nature. Mrs. Thoreau blames Lucy for the job offer and resists Henry’s leaving home.

Living in the boarding house distracts Henry from writing and responsibilities keep him from his long daily walks. Lucy urges him to accept Mr. Emerson’s proposal.

Henry’s leaving home will allow him to follow his dream, focus his desires, and determine his future.

Will he leave home and pursue his dream or will he settle down and live with his family? Will Lucy be his friend or lover?

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