A Tangled Pair

Worlds Beside, #5

Reeks: Worlds Beside


Before, Nicolas Hughes was on the run, but now he's the one giving chase. What's more, he isn't alone. He and Scarlet are hunting their way across Middle America in search of the creature that haunted the young mage for harrowing seasons, that stole his secrets and killed his friends but made the mistake of leaving him alive. There's only one problem: across everything Nick's read and everything he's studied, he has no inkling about how to destroy the monster, not to mention that finding it has also proved nigh impossible. So, the pair needs to find themselves a weapon master. As it so happens, one such individual is being tracked by his own set of troubles. It's anyone's guess as to who finds Liam first, his estranged granddaughter, Nick and Scarlet, a trio of ancient killers from beyond, or worse. The web tightens like a noose, everyone, every thing, tangled and tied. But Nick is confident everything will work out if he just keeps moving forward, so long as Scarlet is watching his back. He hopes.

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