Flubby Is Not a Good Pet!
Reeks: Flubby
J. E. Morris
- **A
- 2020
- Theodor
- Seuss
- Geisel
- Honor
- BookMeet
- Flubby--the
- lovably
- lazy
- feline
- who
- prefers
- a
- purr-fectly
- laid-back
- lifestyle!**Flubby
- is
- a
- large,
- sleepy
- cat
- who
- refuses
- to
- do
- the
- things
- that
- other
- pets
- do.
- He
- won't
- sing,
- catch,
- or
- even
- jump!
- But
- when
- a
- scary
- situation
- brings
- Flubby
- and
- his
- owner
- together,
- they
- realize
- they
- really
- do
- need
- each
- other--and
- that
- makes
- Flubby
- a
- good
- pet
- after
- all.The
- charming
- illustrations,
- simple
- text,
- and
- comic-like
- panels
- by
- J.
- E.
- Morris,
- author-illustrator
- of
- the
- Maud
- the
- Koala
- books,
- make
- this
- a
- unique
- format
- with
- a
- narrative
- style
- perfect
- for
- storytime
- and
- progressing readers.