- A
- breath
- of
- fresh
- air...
- turned
- hot
- romanceA
- Kinky
- meet-cute
- after
- a
- failed
- first
- impression.Ericka
- decides
- to
- leave
- her
- busy
- HR
- executive
- responsibilities
- in
- wine
- country
- and
- take
- a
- relaxing
- weeklong
- vacation
- with
- friends
- Jeff
- and
- David.She
- heads
- to
- San
- Francisco
- to
- surprise
- her
- eccentric
- hosts,
- but
- is
- pleasantly
- intercepted
- when
- an
- intensively
- handsome
- writer,
- Orion
- arrives
- to
- stir
- things
- up.As
- Ericka
- begins
- to
- unwind,
- she
- finds
- herself
- quite
- entangled
- by
- his
- charm
- and
- sexuality!Get
- entwined
- in
- this
- short
- story
- and
- find
- out
- what
- kind
- of
- romance
- is
- waiting
- for
- Ericka
- where
- she
- least
- expects it.
pro-mbooks3 : libris