Mr. and Mrs. Miller did everything in the power to appear to the outside work as utterly, totally normal, and demanded as much from their children and so, when their youngest began to insist that she was very, very much not the perfectly normal child that they demanded she be, the Millers locked her away from the world in the hopes she would eventually stop insisting she was a she. But, when she discovers the ability to turn her letters into paper birds and bring them to life, Rosemary finds the strength she needs to survive. But, her parents aren't going to give up and seek out ever more extreme measures to keep her and her older brother, Dougy, under control and keep up appearances, causing her and her brother to fall under the unyielding judgement of Judge Robin Galbraith with their freedom and fate being decided by the fall of her gavel.
Soon, Rosemary will learn that those who hate her will stop at nothing to stomp out her spirit once and for all, but also that those who seek to help her will stop at nothing to rescue her from her fate and give her the freedom and help she needs to be herself. Still, Rosemary will need all the help she can get to get her and Dougy out from the clutches both her parents and of the mysterious organization led by Judge Galbraith who seems all too aware of the power that lies behind Rosemary's letters.