Oceanfront Dining
J. Joseph Vuono
- Thane
- Harmon,
- a
- dedicated
- monster
- hunter,
- travels
- to
- Ocean
- City,
- Maryland
- to
- investigate
- into
- a
- possible
- werewolf
- incident
- upon
- the
- area’s
- sandy
- shores.
- Unconvinced
- of
- a
- threat,
- he
- allows
- himself
- to
- relax,
- breaking
- protocol
- by
- becoming
- emotionally
- involved
- with
- a
- woman
- from
- his
- past.
- However,
- when
- the
- threat
- to
- the
- resort
- town
- is
- found
- to
- be
- worse
- than
- ever
- imagined,
- the
- hunter
- is
- forced
- into
- action.
- Through
- a
- series
- of
- flashbacks,
- he
- recalls
- the
- moments
- that
- led
- him
- to
- his
- current
- lifestyle
- and
- finds
- himself
- questioning
- the
- world
- he’s
- known
- for
- over
- a
- decade.
- The
- resort
- beaches
- close
- and
- the
- bodies
- begin
- to
- pile
- up.
- Now,
- Thane
- must
- confront
- the
- current
- danger
- and
- battle
- the
- scars
- of
- his
- past,
- facing
- down
- the
- toughest
- choice
- of
- his life.
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