Manifestation: Unlock The Secrets of Lucid Dreaming and Alchemy
j Maya
- The
- book
- "Manifestation
- Through
- Spiritual
- Power"
- by
- Jerimiah
- Molfese
- is
- focused
- on
- the
- art
- of
- transforming
- the
- inner
- world
- to
- manifest
- reality
- outwardly.
- It
- delves
- into
- understanding
- and
- experiencing
- altered
- states
- of
- consciousness
- through
- meditation
- or
- lucid
- dreaming
- and
- applying
- these
- experiences
- for
- manifestation
- in
- the
- waking
- world.
- It
- ties
- Egyptian
- philosophy
- of
- manifestation
- with
- the
- dream
- state,
- aiming
- to
- bridge
- the
- gap
- between
- dreams
- and
- reality
- through
- conscious
- manifestation,
- direct
- thinking,
- and
- induced
- emotion.
- The
- book
- is
- structured
- into
- chapters
- that
- explore
- various
- aspects
- of
- spiritual
- growth,
- lucid
- dreaming,
- healing,
- and
- the
- conscious
- manipulation
- of
- one's
- reality
- and
- character
- for
- personal
- betterment.
- Through
- Spiritual
- Power"
- is
- a
- comprehensive
- guide
- on
- using
- spiritual
- and
- metaphysical
- concepts
- to
- influence
- personal
- reality.
- The
- book
- covers
- a
- variety
- of
- topics
- including
- astrology,
- lucid
- dreaming,
- and
- the
- power
- of
- thoughts
- and
- emotions
- in
- shaping
- one's
- life.
- It
- emphasizes
- the
- connection
- between
- the
- subconscious
- mind
- and
- conscious
- manifestation,
- advocating
- for
- a
- holistic
- approach
- that
- includes
- understanding
- one's
- birth
- chart
- and
- employing
- specific
- techniques
- for
- personal
- growth
- and
- healing.The
- book
- is
- divided
- into
- several
- chapters,
- each
- focusing
- on
- different
- aspects
- of
- spiritual
- power
- and
- manifestation.
- These
- include
- understanding
- the
- role
- of
- electromagnetic
- energy
- in
- life,
- exploring
- the
- impact
- of
- non-physical
- influences
- like
- astrological
- forces,
- and
- learning
- to
- harness
- the
- power
- of
- the
- subconscious
- mind
- through
- practices
- like
- dreamwork
- and
- free
- association.Jeremiah
- Molfese,
- the
- author,
- combines
- his
- knowledge
- of
- astrology,
- dream
- interpretation,
- and
- other
- spiritual
- practices
- to
- offer
- readers
- a
- unique
- perspective
- on
- how
- to
- actively
- participate
- in
- shaping
- their
- reality.
- The
- book
- is
- a
- blend
- of
- practical
- exercises,
- philosophical
- insights,
- and
- personal
- anecdotes,
- making
- it
- a
- comprehensive
- resource
- for
- anyone
- interested
- in
- spiritual
- growth
- and
- personal transformation.