Hard Girls
Reeks: Jane and Lila Pool
J. Robert Lennon
- In
- this
- "racing,
- twisty
- crime
- novel,"
- two
- estranged
- twin
- sisters
- hunt
- down
- their
- elusive
- mother—and
- face
- down
- the
- darkness
- they
- tried
- to
- escape.
- (Chelsea
- Bieker)Jane
- Pool
- likes
- her
- safe,
- suburban
- existence
- just
- fine.
- She
- has
- a
- house,
- a
- family,
- (an
- infuriating
- mother-in-law,)
- and
- a
- quiet-if-unfulfilling
- administrative
- job
- at
- the
- local
- college.
- Everything
- is
- wonderfully,
- numbingly
- normal.
- Yet
- Jane
- remains
- haunted
- by
- her
- past:
- her
- mercurial,
- absent
- mother,
- her
- parents’
- secrets,
- and
- the
- act
- of
- violence
- that
- transformed
- her
- life.When
- her
- estranged
- twin,
- Lila,
- makes
- contact,
- claiming
- to
- know
- where
- their
- mother
- is
- and
- why
- she
- left
- all
- those
- years
- ago,
- Jane
- agrees
- to
- join
- her,
- desperate
- for
- answers
- and
- the
- chance
- to
- reconnect
- with
- the
- only
- person
- who
- really
- knew
- her
- true
- self.
- Yet
- as
- the
- hunt
- becomes
- treacherous,
- and
- pulls
- the
- two
- women
- to
- the
- earth’s
- distant
- corners,
- they
- find
- themselves
- up
- against
- their
- mother’s
- subterfuge
- and
- the
- darkness
- that
- always
- stalked
- their
- family.
- Now
- Jane
- stands
- to
- lose
- the
- life
- she’s
- made
- for
- the
- one
- that
- has
- been
- impossible
- to
- escape.Set
- in
- both
- the
- Pool
- family’s
- past
- and
- their
- present,
- and
- melding
- elements
- of
- a
- chase
- novel,
- an
- espionage
- thriller,
- and
- domestic
- suspense,
- Hard
- Girls
- is
- an
- utterly
- distinctive
- pastiche—propulsive,
- mysterious,
- cracked,
- intelligent,
- and
- unexpected
- at
- every turn.
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