Atlantis: The Mother of Time
J. Robin E. Harger
- No
- evidence
- exists
- to
- support
- the
- idea
- that
- a
- comparatively
- primitive
- people
- gradually
- evolved
- a
- civilization
- capable
- of
- building
- "The
- Great
- Pyramid
- of
- Ghiza"
- in
- Egypt.
- Carbon
- dating
- of
- incidental
- fragments
- of
- vegetation
- and
- charcoal
- is
- meaningless
- in
- terms
- of
- the
- repairs
- and
- minor
- adjustments
- to
- the
- structure
- that
- have
- been
- made
- over
- the
- millennia.
- Indeed
- it
- is
- doubtful
- if
- even
- the
- mere
- shell
- of
- the
- structure
- that
- apparently
- remains
- could
- be
- replicated
- today
- in
- view
- of
- the
- sheer
- mass,
- the
- required
- precision
- and
- expense
- that
- would
- be
- involved.
- But
- what
- if
- the
- Great
- Pyramid
- was
- not
- built
- by
- the
- ancient
- Egyptians
- at
- all?The
- pyramid
- is
- of
- the
- Earth
- but
- entirely
- "out
- of
- time"
- as
- we
- know
- it
- today.
- The
- pyramid
- was,
- none
- the
- less
- a
- major
- focus
- in
- the
- every-day
- business
- of
- Atlantis,
- that
- scarcely-forgotten
- city-empire
- that
- controlled
- the
- whole
- world
- up
- to
- around
- 11,600
- years
- ago.
- Atlantis
- then
- perished
- in
- a
- single
- paroxysm
- of
- pain
- and
- misery
- caused
- exactly
- by
- misadventure
- involving
- the
- operational
- mission
- of
- the
- Great
- Pyramid.
- And
- what
- became
- of
- the
- Atlanteans?
- They
- survived
- as
- scattered
- remnants
- to
- found
- the
- world's
- major
- civilizations
- whose
- later
- trajectories
- became
- the
- stuff
- of
- the
- currently
- acknowledged
- history
- as
- seen
- today.
- A
- history,
- as
- we
- shall
- see,
- that
- is
- redolent
- with
- myths,
- stories
- and
- yes,
- is
- even
- imbedded
- deep
- within
- the
- religions
- practiced
- throughout
- the
- world
- today
- that
- speak
- directly
- from
- the
- heart
- of
- Atlantis,
- if
- only
- we
- can
- bring
- ourselves
- to
- see
- it.But
- what
- of
- that
- Pyramid,
- reduced
- merely
- to
- an
- impressive
- though
- empty
- shell
- as
- it
- seems
- today?
- Who
- constructed
- it
- and
- when?
- To
- what
- purpose
- was
- it
- addressed?
- The
- Pyramid
- itself
- was
- used
- by
- Atlantis
- but
- it
- was
- not
- constructed
- by
- Atlanteans.
- To
- decode
- the
- Pyramid
- is
- to
- decode
- ourselves
- for
- it
- was
- constructed
- by
- those
- who
- came
- before
- us,
- those
- for
- whom
- the
- cost
- of
- constructing
- that
- mighty
- edifice
- was
- as
- nothing
- compared
- to
- the
- undertaking
- that
- had
- driven
- them
- across
- the
- vast
- reaches
- of
- space.
- They
- reached-out
- to
- the
- stumbling
- pro-humans,
- reformed
- them,
- left
- them
- alone
- with
- their
- religion
- of
- the
- One
- Source,
- encoded
- the
- Pyramid
- of
- this
- information
- and
- then
- departed
- leaving
- us
- to
- take
- up
- our
- own
- destiny
- in
- the
- mighty
- task
- of
- spreading
- human
- consciousness
- throughout
- the
- universe.
- To
- do
- this
- however,
- first
- we
- must
- unite,
- forget
- about
- internecine
- conflict,
- eschew
- warfare
- and
- together
- reach
- for
- the
- stars.Briefly
- put,
- the
- Pyramid
- was
- a
- gift,
- and
- what
- a
- gift
- it
- was.
- A
- gift
- that
- would
- presuppose
- the
- growth
- of
- a
- great
- civilization
- having
- capacity
- suited
- to
- its
- purpose.
- Indeed,
- as
- a
- unique
- control
- centre
- it
- governed
- access
- to
- a
- practically
- unlimited
- power
- supply.
- It
- was
- certainly
- the
- means
- by
- which
- the
- fabled
- "Garden
- of
- Eden"
- was
- created
- and
- its
- abrupt
- decommissioning
- heralded
- the
- great
- fall
- (of
- all
- civilization
- of
- that
- time).However,
- mind-full
- as
- they
- were
- of
- the
- powers
- of
- darkness,
- knowing
- even
- that
- the
- Pyramid
- could
- be
- put
- to
- improper
- use,
- those
- that
- came
- before
- also
- encoded
- the
- true
- purpose
- into
- the
- structure
- thereof.
- This
- together
- with
- the
- scientific
- basis
- of
- its
- capabilities
- would
- be
- held
- for
- the
- benefit
- of
- the
- remnants
- of
- humanity
- that
- would
- be
- certain
- to
- survive
- the
- misuse
- of
- the
- information
- and
- power
- that
- had
- been
- freely
- handed
- to
- them.
- Sadly,
- perhaps
- the
- only
- groups
- that
- today
- have
- the
- resources
- and
- are
- capable
- of
- beginning
- to
- decode
- this
- vast
- data-base
- of
- power
- and
- plenty
- are
- the
- military
- forces
- of
- the
- world.This
- is
- a
- pity,
- as
- without
- global
- and
- collective
- ownership
- of
- the
- information,
- we
- will
- again
- be
- headed
- for
- another fall.