The Kilted Cowboy is a modern tale for the modern world. Mike McGregor is a twenty year-old, two time Afghan vet serving with the 4th Royal Regiment of Scotland. Jean McGregor is his lonely widowed mother. Daniel Delaque is a rich Texas Rancher on a roots holiday to Scotland; a long time promise kept to his late wife. When Daniel and Jean meet, romance flares in the hearts of these two lonely people. Throwing caution to the wind Jean follows her heart and elopes with the handsome Rancher back to Texas. After a whirlwind romance they get married in the Elvis chapel in Las Vegas.
When Mike returns from his second tour in Afghanistan, badly wounded, he is in great need of some TLC from his devoted mother. It is only then that he learns of her elopement to the States. After receiving a medal from the hands of the Queen for his bravery in the roadside ambush, Mike heads off to Texas on six weeks sick leave to confront the happy couple.
From the moment he arrives in America Mike finds himself struggling to adjust to this strange environment and the people who inhabit it. This hard talking, hard hitting Private Soldier immediately clashes with the polite, hat tipping world of the Texas Cowboy.
This novel will take you through the kaleidoscope of emotions often felt by returning war veterans. Add those to the personality conflicts Mike encounters during his six weeks recuperation and he becomes a cauldron of conflicts. Of course once you toss beautiful women, drug dealers, murder, cattle rustling, Mescalero Apache Indians and a few mysteries to solve into the pot, it just gets more and more absorbing as you read.