"Woe is me poet or possessed…"— Muhammad
Could it be that one of the most influential men in history was manipulated by satanic powers?
It's time to unveil the many unsavory truths about the founder of Islam, Muhammad, pulled straight from Islamic sources. One of these truths is that by all indications the prophet of Islam was demon possessed or at the very least severely demonically influenced.
Muhammad's supposed prophetic career began with an encounter with a spirit entity in the cave of Hira. We read in Islamic literature that the alleged angel, Gabriel, manhandled and abused him, which left him terrorized, suicidal, and in a state of madness. This alone should raise red flags. We also read that Muhammad was put under a black magic spell, uttered the words of Satan in the infamous so-called "Satanic Verses" event, and had a demonic spirit guide or familiar spirit. Again, this is all coming from the Muslim texts!
Moreover, Muhammad, including many of his contemporaries, believed he was demon-possessed. Indeed, he experienced many strange physical manifestations such as twitching, foaming at the mouth, convulsing, roaring, or snorting like a camel that was falsely believed to be "divine inspirations" from the supposed angel Gabriel and/or Allah.
We give an uncensored and uncompromised look at Muhammad and the religion he founded, Islam. What is read in Islamic texts is embarrassing, appalling, and downright disturbing. Much of such information is not even known to educated Muslims. Nothing is held back when Muhammad's deplorable morality is scrutinized. Would God, who is righteous and holy, work behind a person who sanctioned many atrocious acts and practices such as child marriage, wife beating, assassinations, torture, and sex slavery? Was Muhammad a perfect example for mankind, as many Muslims believe, when he was a racist, sexist, rapist, and religious tyrant? What is also covered is his controversial consummation of marriage to a 9-year-old girl named Aisha when he was past the age of 50 years old. What spirit was moving behind Muhammad to practice what many would consider to be gross crimes against humanity?
This e-Book has a wealth of evidence that Muhammad was indeed demon-possessed and thus be considered a false prophet of God. We thoroughly examine the idea of him being demonically influenced using over 1,000 direct quotations (all hyperlinked directly to the source) from the most authoritative Islamic sources (the Quran, authentic hadiths, tafsirs, sira literature, etc.).
The idea Muhammad was demonized is not the conclusion of a mere layman in the field of demonology, but someone who has had many years of experience involved in deliverance ministry (i.e., expelling demons out of people by the power and authority of Jesus).
What would be the purpose of Satan using Muhammad to found the religion of Islam? One reason is to blind peoples' minds from believing the Gospel, that Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God who died on the cross for the sins of the world and was resurrected. Without the belief in the Gospel, there is no salvation.
This e-book is targeted at all truth-seekers and is a great resource for those involved in Christian apologetics and polemics.