The Liam Devlin Novels
The Eagle Has Landed, Touch the Devil, and Confessional
Reeks: The Liam Devlin Novels
Jack Higgins
- Three
- New
- York
- Times–bestselling
- thrillers
- take
- gunman
- Liam
- Devlin
- from
- to
- the
- Cold
- War
- to
- a
- terrorist
- plot
- in
- Northern
- Ireland.In
- The
- Eagle
- Has
- Landed,
- the
- inspiration
- for
- the
- film
- starring
- Donald
- Sutherland,
- an
- audacious
- Nazi
- plan
- to
- kidnap
- Winston
- Churchill
- threatens
- to
- tip
- the
- scales
- of
- World
- War
- II.
- In
- November
- 1943,
- an
- elite
- team
- of
- Nazi
- paratroopers
- descends
- on
- British
- soil
- with
- a
- diabolical
- goal:
- Abduct
- Winston
- Churchill
- and
- cripple
- the
- Allied
- war
- effort.
- The
- mission,
- ordered
- by
- Hitler
- himself
- and
- planned
- by
- Heinrich
- Himmler,
- is
- led
- by
- ace
- agent
- Kurt
- Steiner
- and
- aided
- on
- the
- ground
- by
- gunman
- Liam
- Devlin.As
- the
- deadly
- duo
- executes
- Hitler’s
- harrowing
- plot,
- only
- the
- quiet
- town
- of
- Studley
- Constable
- stands
- in
- their
- way.
- Its
- residents,
- including
- a
- beautiful
- widow,
- are
- the
- lone
- souls
- aware
- of
- the
- impending
- Nazi
- plan,
- and
- they
- must
- become
- the
- most
- unlikely
- of
- heroes
- as
- the
- fate
- of
- the
- war
- hangs
- in
- the
- balance.In
- Touch
- the
- Devil,
- in
- the
- shadow
- of
- the
- Cold
- War,
- two
- rugged
- veterans
- must
- crush
- a
- ruthless
- mercenary
- before
- his
- deadly
- scheme
- can
- bring
- Europe
- to
- its
- knees.
- Terrorist-for-hire
- Frank
- Barry
- has
- been
- wreaking
- havoc
- in
- Germany
- and
- France
- with
- backing
- from
- the
- KGB.
- But
- his
- next
- mission
- might
- be
- his
- deadliest:
- Barry
- plans
- to
- steal
- a
- state-of-the-art
- missile
- and
- sell
- it
- to
- the
- highest
- bidder.Only
- Barry’s
- longtime
- rivals,
- retired
- gunman
- Liam
- Devlin
- and
- his
- ally
- Martin
- Brosnan,
- can
- prevent
- the
- missile
- from
- falling
- into
- the
- wrong
- hands.
- But
- first,
- Devlin
- must
- stage
- a
- thrilling
- jailbreak
- to
- free
- Brosnan
- before
- the
- men
- set
- off
- on
- a
- gripping
- race
- against
- the
- clock
- to
- eliminate
- Barry
- and
- end
- his
- reign
- of
- terror.In
- Confessional,
- a
- rogue
- terrorist
- in
- Northern
- Ireland
- prepares
- for
- his
- final
- deadly
- strike.
- Trained
- by
- the
- KGB,
- the
- assassin
- known
- as
- Cuchulain
- has
- cut
- a
- path
- of
- violence
- throughout
- the
- region
- for
- over
- two
- decades,
- leaving
- a
- trail
- of
- bodies
- in
- his
- wake.
- Now
- he
- has
- set
- his
- audacious
- sights
- on
- his
- highest
- profile
- target
- yet:
- the
- pope.Desperate
- to
- stop
- the
- terrorist,
- British
- Intelligence
- enlists
- an
- enemy
- Irish
- gunman,
- Liam
- Devlin,
- to
- accomplish
- what
- they
- never
- could.
- He
- must
- put
- an
- end
- to
- Cuchulain,
- once
- and
- for
- all.Jack
- Higgins
- is,
- without
- a
- doubt,
- “the
- master”
- (Tom
- Clancy)
- of
- well-crafted
- World
- War
- II
- espionage
- thrillers.
- These
- three
- novels
- featuring
- Liam
- Devlin
- are
- required
- reading
- for
- lovers
- of
- intrigue,
- action,
- suspense,
- and adventure.
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