A Biblical Response to Same-gender Marriage

Reeks: Biblical Doctrines


"A Biblical Response to Same-gender Marriage" was written to encourage participation in a discussion of one of the most troubling moral questions of the current generation. "A Biblical Response" will inform and arm Christians with biblical truth and encourage them to take the Gospel of Salvation to everyone, including the sexually immoral. This book is a shorter version of my book "Biblical Homosexuality," with new material focusing on same-gender (same-sex) marriage. I explain what Jesus said in the Gospels about marriage as the union of one man with one woman, and what he said about sexual morality in Revelation. Taking the premise that Jesus is God the Son incarnate, I discuss what God told Israel in Leviticus, and Christians in Romans and 1 Corinthians, about sexual immorality. Discussions of Genesis 2:24 (the basis for Jesus' teaching in the Gospels about marriage) reveal God’s design for marriage and sexuality. Discussions of Leviticus 18–20 show that the prohibitions against sexual morality, including homosexuality, are not based in a prohibition of pagan religion practices ca. 1445 BC, but are applicable in every generation from Moses' time to today. The fallacies of homosexual arguments, such as the “I was created this way,” or the “genetic predisposition” argument are revealed. Homosexual caricatures of the unloving Christian are also discussed and the true character of God's love for sinners, including the homosexual, is revealed. The low cost of the book has been deliberately set to encourage the widest distribution and participation in the religious and cultural discussions of same-gender marriage.

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