A Private Commentary on the Bible: Jude

Reeks: A Private Commentary on the Bible


Jude writes to a first century Church in danger of being overcome by false doctrines and false teachers. Is the twenty-first century Church any different? Jude teaches Believers to recognize false teachers by their moral character, and false doctrine by its three characteristics of unbelief, defilement, and rebellion. Along the way he confirms the major doctrines of the historic Christian faith, and teachers Believers how to deal with apostates in the church. From a translation by the author.

The Private Commentary series is written for Bible teachers, pastors, and college students. Each book in the series explains the Scripture and includes insightful comments and biblical background from other commentators.

James D. Quiggle is the author of several books, including the Private Commentary series, a biography of Adam and Eve, and God’s Choices, the Doctrines of Foreordination, Election, and Predestination.

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